Sheringham to Cromer to Mundesley | 05.08.11

2. Sheringham to Cromer to Mundesley  05.08.11


On a bench on the way to Cromer, “Life is mostly froth and bubble, two things stand in stone – kindness in another’s trouble, courage in your own”. Today I walk along deserted beaches, past ruined groynes, to the sound of screeching seagulls. Crumbling cliffs offer no escape, so as I have no way of knowing whether there is soon a path up onto the cliff I follow a set of footprints – that person must have got down onto the beach somewhere! Soon I see a family approaching, walking slowly, Mum in flip flops – they give me directions for a path up to the village with its photo exhibitions and chip shops. On the bus back, Stowmarket gels on the raz take over the carriage trilling and shrieking, disturbers of the peace – am I getting old?

Sherigham to Wells 26.7.11

I arrive to empty Norwich streets, brightly lit Hopper window frames and a little boy definitely not stepping on the cracks. A cup of coffee and a Norfolk “pan o chocolert”.

The next morning I set off from the sea wall at Sherigham – cheery bunting and a stiff wind behind me to the seals of Blakeney.

A deserted path though the boggy flatlands and a surprise meeting with a flock of llamas. I am grateful for the tea shops in Wells where I sit and watch the rows of excited children inspecting their crab nets.

Distance: 17 miles